Friday, December 05, 2008


I didn't post in November as I was putting all of my writing efforts into the NaNoWriMo. I did successfully finish my book on time. The experience was good as I discovered that I do enjoy the writing process. I'm hoping that I created in myself the habit of writing, and I'll continue to write in my free time. I have a couple story ideas bouncing around in my head right now. I'll probably sit down and do one of them this weekend.

In January I'll go back to my NaNo book and edit it. Once I've gone through it again, I'll have the wife go through it, then some people at school. I'm probably going to put it on when it's ready for publication. The nice thing is that they are giving a free proof copy valid through June. Which gives me a deadline to get the thing edited and ready to go. If I like the proof copy, then I'll throw it on Amazon.

The reason I'm going the self publishing route is that this is going to be a niche interest book. I don't think the subject of Pirates and Ninjas is going to be one that any publisher would have any interest in. So, I know I'm basically throwing away the first print rights, but they're not worth much.

The other thing I plan on doing is putting a PDF version of the book online for free somewhere. The thing is going to be liscensed Creative Commons. I just need to do a bit more research with create space and the print rights associated with them. I want to make sure I retain full publishing rights to something that I publish through them.

But first, I have to get the darn thing edited.

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