Monday, January 22, 2007

Showers and Shopping

My shower finally drained last night. I had a plan on Saturday evening to thaw out the pipe. I hooked a hose to the bathroom sink, and pushed it as far down the drain as I could. I then forced really hot water down there thinking that would melt the ice. While it poured down, I just kept bailing water out of the drain. I kept it going until I ran out of hot water. This made no progress on the drain at all. So, I decided to get some heavy duty Drain-o while I was at Walmart. I kinda figured that if all that hot water wouldn't melt the ice, it probably wasn't ice. I dumped the whole bottle down the drain and waited an hour like instructed. The standing water was still there. Off an on last night, I kept using the plunger to try to get some movement in the drain. I finally went to bed a bit frustrated with it thinking I would have to break down and call the plumber (again). This morning when I got up, the standing water was gone, and the shower drains just like it should now. I have no idea when it actually started draining, but I'm pretty happy.

I spent my afternoon yesterday driving to Riverton to goto Walmart. It takes about an hour to get there. I hadn't been to any large shopping places in over a month, so I figured it was about time to get out of town for a little bit. It did snow the night before. The snow drifted around my car pretty bad, so I had some fun getting out of my driveway. Of course the highways were all plowed, so there wasn't any problems there.

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