Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cold and Blowing Snow

I just went out to run a couple errands, and it is really cold out there. It doesn't seem like it would be that bad, it's 14 degrees out there. But the wind is blowing at 30mph gusting up to 40. The wind chill is at -5. Also, the wind is picking up snow, and throwing it at me. Twice I had snow go through my hair and hit my scalp.

I was filling up my car with gas, and after 4 gallons the pump just quit. I was too cold to really care, so left it only half full.

1 comment:

Erika said...

hey, be thankful. in the state you just moved away from, it's currently 4 (-10) degrees and there's a low of -14 degrees predicted for Saturday and Sunday. That's not with wind chill, which will be -28.

i would play the world's smallest violin, but i think i'd lose a few digits to frostbite.