Monday, March 05, 2007

They're Going to Call Me Crazy.

Sarah and I are seriously thinking about ditching our internet and phone service at the house. We NEVER use the home telephone, we just have it because it's required for internet. This means that we're basically paying $70 a month for internet service. I figured out that with the purchase of a 16 dollar cable, and $10 a month in fees, we can be using our cell phones to get to the internet. It won't be very fast internet, but it'll get the job done.

The second bonus to this would be that it would get us to spend less time on the internet. I've decided that the internet is making it impossible for me to be productive when I'm home. With going off line I'm going to try to start writing again. I'll definitely be reading more books. Hopefully I'll also get outside more.

1 comment:

Jason said...

You don't need lack of Internet to go offline. It makes it a lot easier, but just don't turn on your computer when you get home. I've done that a few days and it's pretty neat.