Sunday, June 10, 2007

Next Chapter

So, the 100% self employment thing turned out to be a rather short chapter in my life. I was offered a position with the Hot Springs County School District as a Technology Assistant. Basically I'll be on a very small staff of IT for the school district. I'll be starting July 1st, and will have my own office in the High School building. This is actually something I've wanted to do for a long time. It's also a big relief to get a benefit package. Insurance kinda sucks when you're self employed.

I've been celebrating slowly throughout the weekend. I picked up a bottle of Glen Livet on Friday night and have been slowly enjoying it. We also got some new patio furniture yesterday (well, it really belongs to the in laws, so it's not new.) I've gotten to spend a good deal of time sitting on the porch enjoying the weather.


Erika said...

what's the school mascot?

Unknown said...

The Thermopolis Bobcats.

Erika said...

that's not too bad. I was worried that it might be the Donkeys. ;)

Jason said...

Sounds like it was a good weekend.